[ROM][WWE][20-Sep-10] Cloudy 2.5 (WM6.5 - WM6.5.x)

Cloudyfa ROM for BlackStone
Cloudy 2.5

Cloudy 2.5 [20-Sep-10]:
- Com2: OS 5.2.21916 Build 21916.5.0.95
- Com3: OS 5.2.23138 Build 23138.5.3.9
- Manila 2.5.20183025
- Opera Mobile 9.70.36027
- HTCMessaging Client 1.8.20183727
- Secure Box and VIP messages fixed
- HTCLockScreen (C3) bug fixed
- New SMS Search function (in Manila Message tab)
- Replace TaskManager (C2) and ArkSwitch (C3) with MMTaskManager 2.1
- Updated all packages
- Many improvements

Cloudy 2.4 [24-Aug-10]:
- Com2: OS 5.2.21914 Build 21914.5.0.93
- Com3: OS 5.2.23130 Build 23130.5.3.8
- Manila 2_5_20182814
- HTCMessaging 1_8_20182814
- Opera_Browser 9_70_36023
- RSSHub 2_1_2_1117
- All new pkgs from OBOE 1.02 and 1.03

Cloudy 2.3 [03-Aug-10]:
- Updated all packages from Huashan 0.90 - 0.93 - 1.00
- HTCMessaging_Client 1_8_20173127_00
- GoogleMaps
- New HTCLockScreen (Com5)
- Adjust CommManager buttons

Download Links
- BS_Cloudy_0.x: Windows Mobile 6.1 - Which we have in Touch HD's shipped ROMs.
- BS_Cloudy_x.x_C2: COM2 build - Most reliable and bug free, has the Start Menu button at the top left corner.
- BS_Cloudy_x.x_C5: COM5 build - Much more finger friendly, has Start Menu button at the bottom left corner and big softkeys.
- BS_Cloudy_x.x_C3: COM3 build - Nearly the same as COM5 but this is the offical HTC build in latest devices.
- BS_Cloudy_x.x_Cx_NoMC: This ROM doesn't include HTC Messaging Client

Cloudy AutoInstall
How to use:
- <SDCard>\AutoInstall\Manual: CAB files that require user input
- <SDCard>\AutoInstall\Storage: CAB files will be installed on SDCard automatically
- <SDCard>\AutoInstall: CAB, REG, XML, PROVXML, MSCR files
- At 1stBoot, it won't install anything in <SDCard>\AutoInstall\Manual, and auto reset your device if something has been installed.
- It won't run if your Battery is low (below 15%) (except you use external power)
- You can manually run it in Tools\Cloudy AutoInstall


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